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2009 Parish Photos Archive


A Gifted Preacher in our Midst - 03/29/09

On Sunday, March 29, 2009, St. John's parish was blessed with a visit by a legendary preacher and humble Archpriest. Fr. John Nehrebecki has served the Orthodox Church in America for over half a century and had witnessed to the Truth of Christ through his unique gift of preaching and teaching. Fr. John began the weekend preaching after Vespers on Saturday evening. Fr. John concelebrated with Fr. Adam and preached again after the Gospel was read on Sunday during the Divine Liturgy. Fr. John and Matushka Eugenia joined us in the Church Parlors for a chat and some very enjoyable fellowship. May God grant Archpriest John and Mat. Eugenia and their family Many Years!

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Local 1-8 Orthodox gradeschool to relocate to Dennison Township, Near Mountain Top, PA - 03/22/09

On Sunday, March 22nd, 2009, Mrs, Christine Yannes, Headmistress of All Saints Orthodox School, visited St. John's for liturgy with her family and members of the staff and offered a presentation to the community during Fellowship Coffee Hour. All Saints offers a Montesori based curriculum for children grades 1st through 8th and is currently located in Weatherly, PA. By God's grace they hope to be relocated and open for classes in their new Dennison Township location by August of 2009, making them a more convenient option to local families who wish to provide an Orthodox education to their children, We were happy to welcome Christine et al.

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Young and old lend a hand, Raeman watches to see how Daria does it

Filled with Cheese, They ALWAYS Please! - 02/23/09

Our first pierohies of the new year! On Monday, Feb 23rd, bright and early, Pete and Mary got the dough rollin' and the cheesballs were scooped the prior afternoon so that when everyone finally arrived they were ready to pinch their little hearts out. We had a VERY good showing, and as the old adage goes, "many hands made light work"! Next week we're pinchin' taters!

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Young and old lend a hand, Raeman watches to see how Daria does it
Scoopin' cheese balls
The NAUGHTY table
We have such fun!
Mary oversees from the head of the table
Joe pretending to roll dough
Pete flattens dough
Kathy always joins us from Plymouth. How grateful we are to our friends
Frank counts orders
Debbie bags
Helen always joins us from Wilkes Barre
Debbie boils and keeps an eye on the people at the naughty table
Fr. Adam and Aunt Flo misbehavin' at the naughty table.

"I was hungry and you gave me to eat" - 02/13/09

On Friday, 2/13/09, Seminarian Reader James Worthington brought his van to Nanticoke in order to collect all the food that was donated by St. John's parishioners in order to help feed seminarians and defray costs to the seminary. St. Tikhon's holds this annual drive but accepts and appreciates donations at anytime throughout the year. St. John's has been an eager participant in this project over the years and looks forward to furthur projects in support of the seminary.

James and Father Adam met while in seminary and became great friends. James will graduate from St. Tikhon's in May and will serve the Church in Canada. With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Tikhon, Father is helping James with his senior project which will be an instructional "how to" video of the Divine Liturgy. The video features St. John's and Fr. Adam.

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Fr. Adam blesses the council members gathered before the tetrapod

With the Blessing of His Grace, Bishop Tikhon - 02/08/09

On Sunday morning, February 8, 2009, the newly elected parish council was formally installed for the year.  With lighted tapers, having venerated the holy Gospel and life-giving Cross, the council pledged their service to God and stewardship of His Body, the Church, understanding that they are answereble for their actions at the dread judgement seat of Christ. May the Lord our God grant the Parish Council Many Years!

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Fr. Adam blesses the council members gathered before the tetrapod
May God grant you Many Years!
2009 Parish Council

Show Mercy, O Lord, unto Thy Servant Christopher - 02/06/09

On Friday evening, February 6th, 2009, a Molieben service was celebrated for the healing of Christopher Elliott, son of Rev. Fr. George and Matushka Ephrosine (Kim) Elliott, of Las Vegas, Nevada (St. Paul's Orthodox Church) . Christopher is a precocious adorable little kid with a great personality and has struggled these 3-4 years with Cystic Fibrosis, which doesn't affect his lungs (as it does with most people) but his intestines. He has spent perhaps 30-40% of his life in and out of hospitals to care for and arrest his acute condition. He struggles now over the last weeks with a particularly elusive and miserable bowel obstruction which causes him to vomit and lose nutrients. His parents ask for our earnest prayers on his behalf. May the Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on this, His precious servant, the child Christopher, and may He preserve him for many years!

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Aunt Olga's Famous Potato Pancakes - 09/24/09

Once a month (and soon twice a month), St. John's now sells our excellent and most tasty potato pancakes under the supervision of our Olga Sulewski who is the keeper of our secret ans sacred recipe that makes us the envy of every pancake maker in the valley. Come on down and grab you a stack! Git 'em while they're hot!

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Becoming Good Stewards of our God-given Resources in a New Century - 08/07/09

On Friday, August 7th, 2009, Fr. Alexander Atty from St. Michael's Antiochian Orthodox Church in Louisville, KY, was the keynote speaker at a landmark parish meeting of St. John the Baptist Church. Fr. Alexander shared his experiences and profound wisdom born from a lifetime of blessed labor in the Holy Priesthood, leading a single parish for 30 years. Of particular focus at the meeting was his knowledge and experience with erecting a low income independent living senior housing center on his parish grounds and how his experiences could help St. John's to do the same. We look forward to his next visit to Nanticoke. May God grant Fr. Alexander and hs family many years!

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For Your Gift,Please Accept our Gratitude - 07/12/09

St. John's presented beautiful icons of Christ, Pantocrator - Ruler of all, to John and Marian Babiak of New Jersey and mary Kuprionas of Nanticoke for their generous donation of vestments over the past year to St. Joh'ns. We are very grateful for their generosity.

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Who is so Great a God as Our God? - 06/07/09

Blessed art Thou O Christ Our God
Thou hast revealed the fishermen as most wise
By sending down upon them the Holy Spirit
Through them Thou  drewest the world into Thy net
O Lover of Man, Glory to Thee!

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Pokin' through the Pickins - 06/04/09

St. John's held a successful Spring Rummage sale from June 4th through June 6th. We don't know which drew a bigger crowd, the Parlors full of Pickins or Auntie Olga's famous Potato Pancakes, those always draw crowds! 

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Olga (in fuscia shirt) oversees the pancake operation
Kitty fries a mean tater hotcake

Fun in the Sun, Surrounded by Family - 05/30/09

On Saturday, May 30th, we held the first of what we hope will be many Lawn Parties. About 33 of our parish family came out to enjoy burgers and dogs fresh off the grill with everything else that makes a picnic wonderful. The children played Badminton , and so did some of the grown ups. The children had more ice creame than anything this day but no one was watching! Fr. Adam even caught the grill on fire twice, producing unexpectedly flame broiled eats....and they were good!

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O Christ our God who has ascended in Glory save us who sing unto Thee, Alleluia! - 05/28/09

On this great feast of our Lord we celebrate the sacred mystery of our very nature being brought to sit at the right hand of God. Not only was man's nature redeemed from fallenness, it was made greater by the incarnation of Christ. He now ascends in His glory and takes our nature with Him, exalting His creation more than ever before. O Christ our God who has ascended in Glory save us who sing unto Thee, Alleluia!

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Christ IS Risen - 04/26/09

Christ is Risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!

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Baby Joshua is Baptised in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! - 04/26/09

On Bright Sunday, baby Joshua Yackimowicz was illumined by the Holy and Sacred Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation. A wonderful day for him and his Godparents, Bob Panzik and Charlotte Ebert.

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George (Byron) Mosser is received into the Church though the Holy Mystery of Chrismation - 04/11/09

With joy we welcome Byron, who is now George, into Holy Orthodoxy! He is a most welcome and active member of the Body of Christ and is now sealed with the Holy Spirit and a communicant of the Heavenly and Sacred Mysteries of our Lord's Body and Blood. May God Grant him and his sponsor, John, Many Years!

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Diocese of Phila. and Eastern Penna. - 12/04/09

On December 4th and 5th, lay and clergy delegates from all over the Diocese gathered in meeting with His Grace Bishop Tikhon to discuss missions, budget, Natural Church Development, among many other crucial matters vital to the good order of Christ's Holy Church and the governing of the Diocese according to the Gospel of Christ. Bishop Tikhon issued and Action Statement to every parish family in the Diocese which offered a vision for personal and parish growth which will ultimately bring about growth in numbers of faithful Orthodox Christians. 

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St. Nicholas Party

Click on the links below
to see some wonderful video of all the fun
at our St. Nicholas Celebration

Many Hands Make Light Work! - 11/23/09

On Tuesday, 11/24 and Monday 11/30, we were at it again; mixing, rolling, cutting, pinching, boiling, cooling, and bagging the best pierohies in the entire valley. Often imitated, never outdone, folks flock to St. John's for our cheese and potato varieties. Still a few left. Get yours today!

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Twenty of St. John's Parishioners Come to Venerate the Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Theotokos - 10/01/09

On Thursday, Oct 1st, 20 of St. John's members made their way to our beloved Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk in South Canaan to venerate the holy wonder-working image of the Theotokos, "Softener of Evil Hearts". This icon "weeps" or streams holy miraculous beautifully fragrant myrrh without explaination and has been known to heal those who ask Her holy intercession on their behalf. What a joy to be able to be present for this memorable visit.

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Svyati Nicolai - 12/06/09

On Sunday Dec 6th, the entire parish of St. John's celebrated the feast of this great saint with food, singing and laughter. Pete Truszkowski played his accordion and sang wonderful Christmas carols and got the folks singing. We had a special visitor as well who passed out gifts to all in celebration of his feast. Holy St. Nicholas, pray to God for us!

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