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St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church is located on the corner of Front Street and Welles Street in the Hanover section of Nanticoke. The outside edifice is quaint but presents an impressive view from many vantage points in the surrounding area. Whether driving into town from the North or standing at the end of Market Street in the town looking out from the south-west over the Hanover section, where the lovely gold cupolas shine above the treetops, St. John's provides a warm and inviting welcome to all to "Come and See" (John 4:29)

We are open for services. Come and See!

Donate a Liturgy Service Book 

The response to our appeal for Liturgy Books had been overwhelming.

Thank YOU for your kindness and support! At this time the books are still out of stock.

However, we have requested to be notified once they become available.

Mailing Address
St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church
PO BOX 455
Nanticoke, PA 18634
106 Welles St. (Hanover Section)
Nanticoke, PA 18634
Email and Phone
570-735-2263 (Leave message) (Phone)
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