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 You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:32 (NKJV)


St. John’s Ministry to the Aged

     With joy in our Risen Lord, we have begun making monthly visits with our neighbors down the street at the Birchwood Retirement and Rehabilitation Center right here outside of the Hanover Section. With the conviction that it is our responsibilty to BE the Gospel message of our Lord to everyone in our immediate surroundings, we embrace this very dynamic and great group of people and as the Body of Christ we lift them up to Him in the prayers of the Divine Liturgy. By God's grace we have expanded our ministry among these wonderful folks to include regular visits from St. John's Church School children. We have enjoyed a bright and welcome reception among the residents and staff and we look forward with the help of God's grace to a productive and enduring relationship  with our brothers and sisters at the Birchwood.

Next Service:  Divine Liturgy at the Birchwood! - Saturday, January 15th ...


Click on the Image to the right to hear a radio interview given by Fr. Adam to Fr. Chris Metropoulos at "Come Receive the Light" Orthodox Radio Program highlighting this important and life-giving outreach to our elderly friends.

Divine Liturgy at the Birchwood Nursing and Rehab Center - 01/15/11

With the blessing of His Grace, the Rt. Rev.Tikhon, Bishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pa, we were able to celebrate our first Divine Liturgy at the Birchwood Nursing Home. What a joy and a blessing to be present on such a day. In addition to the 4 St. John's parishioners who reside here, we were graced with the presence of nearly 10 other residents as well as 17 St. John's folks who came to add their voices and bring the Divine Services of the Church to our shut in brothers and sisters. We look forward to many more regular liturgies here.

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Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room! - 12/17/10

St. John's parishioners and Church School children payed a visit to the Birchwood Nursing Home and Rehab Center to sing carols and deliver small gifts to our dear friends who live there. The children prepared by making small homemade soaps and ornaments for the residents. Afterward all were invited for refreshments provided by the Birchwood staff.

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Pine Cones, Peanutbutter, and Birdseed + Children and their Elderly friends = one HUGE MESS! - 08/27/09

On Thursday, August 27th, some of St. John's Church School kids crashed the afternoon ladies' cooking class and opened up a jar of peanut butter and went to town making pine cone bird feeders with the residents. It looked like a mess, smelled like a mess, it WAS a mess! Everyone had a wonderful time, the ladies said it made their day. What a great gift it is to have these wonderful friends so close by! May God grant them MANY YEARS and hurry our next eagerly anticipated visit.

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Chatting about the icon of Christ "Not made by Hands" - 08/20/09

On Thursday August 20th, Fr. Adam and his family went to spend time in prayer and fellowship with our beloved friends at the Birchwood. Fr. explained the different yet beautiful traditions of East and West regarding the icon of christ "Made without Hands" and how they can help us to be faithful and humble. The children and the elderly friends alike enjoyed spending time together as always. May God grant them all many years.

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Dot & Gabriel

Great Things Happen when God Mixes with Us! - 05/16/09

On Saturday, May 16th, some of St. John's Church School children visited with our friends for a craft and social. The children colored pictures with their friends and shared "fruit kabobs" which were prepared by Miss Karla in anticipation of our visit. The children and our friends enjoyed the visit very much and look forward to returning very soon.

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Dot & Gabriel
Anna & Raeman
Miss Marsha helps out
Matushka Angie with John
Nancy and Bede
Cecile and Eleanor
Helen & Nancy
Jacob, Ilia and friend
Alyscia and Elaenor
Tony and Josiah

Fr. Adam Visits our Friends with a Message about "Believing" Thomas - 04/29/09

During the second week of Pascha Fr. Adam visited our beloved neighbors and after a short service of prayer delivered to them the message of the Apostle Thomas' faith, based on that Sunday's Gospel lesson. Too often we are taught about Thomas' doubt, but the focus of this lesson is really his faith. Fr. then visited briefly with each of the folks present and gave each a small icon of Christ to keep. God grant them all Many Years! 

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Praying With Our Friends Down the Street - 02/26/09

On Thursday afternoon, February 26th, some of our beautiful friends gathered together in the 1st floor common room to await the arrival of Fr. Adam and his helper, Josiah, for an afternoon Pre-Lenten vespers. After the abbreviated service, Fr. Adam read the Holy Gospel from the previous Sunday to the residents and preached on the Last Judgement. There was a brief question and answer session afterward and Father was able to get to know some of these wonderful people a little better. After the gathering, Father and Josiah visited with a few of our friends in their rooms. We look forward to gathering again very soon with these amazing neighbors of ours. May God grant them many years!

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Joy to the World! - 12/20/08

On Saturday, December 20th, the Church School paid a visit to the Birchwood for caroling and to distribute Christmas ornaments that the children had made for these folks.

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